André Letria

Our conference illustrator

We are enormously grateful to André Letria, for his pro bono creation of our conference image, the website banner, the poster, and social media visuals and for supporting the conference with his generosity.

André Letria was born in Lisbon, in 1973. His work has filled the pages of books and newspapers since 1992. In 2010, he founded the publishing house Pato Lógico, where he has created books such as Mar (which won the Non-Fiction Mention at the Bologna Ragazzi Awards), Eu Fosse um Livro (translated into more than 20 languages) or A Guerra (winner of more than 20 awards: including PNI, Nami Concours Grand Prix, Talking Books, White Ravens, Little Hakka, BIB Plaque, Boston Globe/ Horn Book Honor Award, Hiiibrand). He is regularly invited to join international awards juries (e.g., Ilustrarte, Iberoamerica Ilustra, 3×3, AOI World Illustration Award, BolognaRagazzi CrossMedia Award) and travels the world to talk about his work as an illustrator and editor.

Visit his personal website to see examples of his work, or take a peek at Pato Lógico, his publishing house.